Angry Nudist Blog Returns After Claims of Never Returning

Nudist blog, All Nudist, returned to NYC, If You Are after clearly stating they would “never be back.”

Caught In typographaction

Lies Caught In typograph-action



One local had this to say: “You know, it really makes you wonder about the credibility of a nudist blog when they say one thing and then completely do another. I mean it really makes you think, should I really trust these people? They can’t even bother to remove their sweaty privates from their inner thighs long enough to slip into a pair of shhpants and enjoy a meal of Big Macs and McFlurry’s. 

Indeed. It really makes you think.


Look. This blog isn’t about slandering Nudist blogs, or anyone for that matter, nor is it a second rate take of The Onion.

The purpose of this blog, for me, is to exercise a commitment to daily journaling, and for you a One Stop Shop and Slop for cute “off the beaten track” kitten vids, and art tits.

anyway, enjoy.

  this one hasn’t broken a million views just yet. Let’s get it there baby’s.


vintage tats

vintage tats

Yeah, you know you like these. They may be from the 20’s but guess what? They’re still hatt tats.

Angry Nudist Blog Not Pleased With Google Results

In response to previous blog “this will get me hits on my blog,” “All Nudist”; a blog about all things nude responded:


In response “NYC, If You Are” had this to say:


GET THE FUCK OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE. I don’t care if you won’t be back. 

I could give less of a fuck if I have CONTENT, on my FREE WORDPRESS BLOG. 

And who are you to say what content is? Actually, the writers at All Nudists are fuckin pros. Did you dudes see that blog about the couple who was too lazy to get dressed to go to Mcdonalds? They’re addicted to nudity!

So next time you’re googling anus, or cunt, and you come across something other than Nudist based content, maybe you can do us all a favor and not be so fucking high strung. Considering the internet is 90% pornography you should probably be prepared.

Man Not Pleased with New Burger King Facebook Application

Roger Jonas, of Forth Worth Texas, is not impressed with the new Burger King Application on Facebook, which promises a free Whopper in exchange for the ‘sacrifice’ of ten friends. In a recent comment left on the application’s profile, Jonas writes, in a comment titled “Hate the Idea”angry-burger-king-guy

Analysts have used words like “Douchey” and “Asshole” when describing Roger Jonas’ comment. In a closer inspection of his picture, there was a general consensus that Jonas should probably expect to be deleted by a number of friends.

the boy and the rotting tooth

I think my dentist was upset when I snapped this picture with my phone. I even felt a little bad taking it. It's a funny position to be in; feeling bad about taking a picture of a picture of a part of your own body.

There was once a boy who’s third molar began to rot in his mouth. He was at a peculiar age where his body was beginning to change; producing cruel smells and stretching all over, so he didn’t pay it any mind when his jaw began to ache. Years passed, and he realized the ache on the right side of his jaw was special, and not like the growing pains he had suffered in his adolescence. He went to the dentist and to his surprise the tooth had just about rotted out of his mouth!

One root canal, and three years later, the poor boy’s jaw began to ache again.
He didn’t understand the pain. His tooth had been plucked of all it’s nerves, and filled with plaster. The only thing remaining inside; a tiny screw, reenforcing the walls of the tooth.It was unfair enough that he had to suffer such a mature dental procedure at an early age, but now it seemed the root canal hadn’t worked!
His dentist explained that the pain he was feeling was an infection that had formed above his third molar. After reviewing the boys record he noticed a trend in his xrays. The anatomy of the his gums was just no good! Together they realized the root canal was probably unavoidable, as any further dental work on that particular side of his mouth would be.

“phew” said the boy. 

of course, this was all to my relief. I really thought I was this dirty mofo who had smoked the teeth out of my mouth or even had gum disease. I feel much better now. Of course I am having my gums sliced open next week so that my dentist can scrape out the infection.

I’m a real scumbag. I did get the iron gym though. I’m gunna have a sixpack this summer.




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